Wednesday, August 26, 2015

New Ways of Posting Awesome

I find that I don't really like the commentary that's on the "Awesome" calendar as much as I like the awesome items themselves.  So rather than have 365 postings just on awesomeness, I'll post the items themselves once a month.  Better.

The rest of the August awesome things are: (in no particular order)

  • Not getting a hangover when you were expecting one (or better yet, don't overdo in the first place!)
  • The Laugh Echo (This needs some explaining.  This is when you laugh out loud after suddenly remembering something funny that happened a while ago.  You know who does this?  Tucker.)
  • Leaving your alarm clock on so you can enjoy shutting it off and sleeping in on a weekend morning.  (IMO, this is just kind of stupid.  If I left my alarm on, it would wake me up and I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep.)
  • When you're driving late at night on an empty gas tank and suddenly a gas station appears on the horizon.  (Or better yet, don't let your tank go below a 1/4 of a tank.  That advice is straight from Bill Hensley.)
I'll post more of these next month. 

Awesome - August 26

Ironically, I've already written about this in my blog before....which leads me to believe that I'm a pro at recognizing AWESOME. :)

When the vending machine gives you two instead of one

It's snacking time.

Yes, that free treat is great because, first of all, now's your chance to play Santa to an unsuspecting coworker.  Got someone who could use a Kit Kat fix?  Of course you do.  So share the wealth and give yourselves a break together.  It's Christmas at the office again.

Secondly, no matter how much you try, you can't return the free snack.  No, there's no wedging your hand back up there and throwing it back into its Metal Spiral Jail Cell.  So ditch the guilt and smile back at the Gods of Snacking for they have smiled down upon you.

And you deserve it.


Lisa's thoughts:  Or you don't have to share at all. ;)  Plus, it's karma for all those times that the vending machines eat your money.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Awesome - August 25

You three that MIGHT be reading this will probably not relate to this and especially my two boys who insist they don't want kids....which is fine for awhile for you to have that attitude....but one of these days, that attitude has to change.  Because this mama wants to be a grandmama before she dies.

Playing with a baby and not having to change its diaper.

It's great playing with babies until it's that time of the afternoon.  You know what I'm talking about.  Mommy or Daddy pops in, picks up the baby, does the classic Reverse Angle Diaper Peek move, and finds a little chocolate factory working overtime back there.

When they say "Looks like somebody needs a changing!", that's your cue to slink off silently to the kitchen or bathroom.  The party's on pause during your daring Dirty Diaper Dash but it's back on ten minutes later when you casually show up and ask, "Hey, can I play with the baby again?"


Lisa's thoughts:  You never mind changing your OWN children's diapers.  But this is why I think grandbabies will be so awesome.  I can just pass them over to you when I don't want to do the dirty work.  Plus, and this should come as no surprise, I LOVE BABIES!!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Awesome - August 24

Yesterday Tucker mentioned to me that just as someone was asking him if I was at church, he received a notice on his phone about some microwave popcorn thing.  ha!  I had forgotten that Rich, Max, and Tucker get notices when I post something on this blog.  Terrific!  Because we all four need to start noticing little moments of awesomeness.  It will help change our outlook.

The Other Side of the Pillow

On nights when you just can't sleep, one of the greatest things ever invented is simply turning over the pillow.  Yes, flipping over your pillow and checking out the other side takes bed comfort up a few notches and is a simple and easy way to help you relax and get more comfortable.

The other side of the pillow, folks. Because it's flat when you're sagging, fresh when you're stale, and cold when you're hot.


Lisa's thoughts:  The number one reason that flipping your pillow over at night is so awesome is just the sheer refreshment of feeling something cool against your face.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Awesome! August 23, 2015

I found a day calendar that Katie Newell gave me for my birthday during nursing school when I cleaned out my closet.  It's called the Year of Awesome and every day has little writings about something awesome.  I really didn't want to throw it away and I have a terrible time journaling every day so I thought what better way to commit it to history than write down each day what it says.  So here goes:

When your microwave popcorn turns out perfectly

Stop too soon and you'll enjoy some well popped corn, but be left with a few handfuls of greasy, unpoppped kernels at the bottom of the bag.  Your stomach will rumble and you'll either remain hungry or pop a second bag and overeat.  Not cool.

Stop too late and you'll enjoy some well-popped corn, but many kernels will be black and burnt, the bag will be smoky, and your fire alarm could have a fit.  Not cool, either.
Yes, that's why it's so great when your microwave pops popcorn perfectly.  Either you grow to trust your dependable Popcorn Button or you slowly master the perfect time yourself, after a few bad bags.

But either way, how does it feel when you pull out that perfect, steaming bag?


Lisa's thoughts:  I have mastered this skill.  Two minutes max.  When there is a lag time (even slightly) between kernels popping, it's time to take it out.  :)