Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Awesome - August 26

Ironically, I've already written about this in my blog before....which leads me to believe that I'm a pro at recognizing AWESOME. :)

When the vending machine gives you two instead of one

It's snacking time.

Yes, that free treat is great because, first of all, now's your chance to play Santa to an unsuspecting coworker.  Got someone who could use a Kit Kat fix?  Of course you do.  So share the wealth and give yourselves a break together.  It's Christmas at the office again.

Secondly, no matter how much you try, you can't return the free snack.  No, there's no wedging your hand back up there and throwing it back into its Metal Spiral Jail Cell.  So ditch the guilt and smile back at the Gods of Snacking for they have smiled down upon you.

And you deserve it.


Lisa's thoughts:  Or you don't have to share at all. ;)  Plus, it's karma for all those times that the vending machines eat your money.

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