Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Awesome - August 25

You three that MIGHT be reading this will probably not relate to this and especially my two boys who insist they don't want kids....which is fine for awhile for you to have that attitude....but one of these days, that attitude has to change.  Because this mama wants to be a grandmama before she dies.

Playing with a baby and not having to change its diaper.

It's great playing with babies until it's that time of the afternoon.  You know what I'm talking about.  Mommy or Daddy pops in, picks up the baby, does the classic Reverse Angle Diaper Peek move, and finds a little chocolate factory working overtime back there.

When they say "Looks like somebody needs a changing!", that's your cue to slink off silently to the kitchen or bathroom.  The party's on pause during your daring Dirty Diaper Dash but it's back on ten minutes later when you casually show up and ask, "Hey, can I play with the baby again?"


Lisa's thoughts:  You never mind changing your OWN children's diapers.  But this is why I think grandbabies will be so awesome.  I can just pass them over to you when I don't want to do the dirty work.  Plus, and this should come as no surprise, I LOVE BABIES!!

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