Friday, November 30, 2012

Thank you for:

  • killing the twins on Breaking Bad.  They were too stressful for me!
  • letting me walk all the way around Loose Park, even though I had to sit down by the duck pond because I was out of breath
  • giving me the courage to email four more Cerner contacts.  Surely one of them will respond!
  • being open to holding a dog.  It was scary but he was cute, that's for sure.
  • going ahead and getting a sandwich for Rich.  I was a little apprehensive about spending the money but I knew he was in a really bad mood and that it would make him happy to have a sandwich waiting for him when he got home from the club.
  • finally laying Tyler to rest.  Maybe now the school can return to normalcy; the kids need it.
  • having heart to hearts with Max.  I sure hate to see him so down but I want to make sure he knows he's loved very much and I want him to be happy.
  • "plumbing" that works like normal1

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sometimes you have to search for what you're grateful for.  Being as this was a SICK day for me and I was hurting and worried that tomorrow may not solve this issue, I have to dig deep tonight to find my thank yous.  But here goes:

  • Even though I had to spend a lot of time in the bathroom, I was really glad that I have an awesome book to keep me company.  (The Kite Runner)
  • I'm so grateful that no one was in the garage when the spring popped on our garage door opener.  Everyone was safe and sound inside.
  • It was a struggle but I did manage to get a pretty good start on laundry.
  • Even though I did get a phone call from the principal at East regarding another tussle that Tucker had with Ms. McPhee, he didn't keep me on the phone long and when I mentioned it to Tucker, he assured me it wouldn't happen again.
  • I'm still thankful for pain meds!!
  • I'm glad that I finally am catching up on back episodes of Breaking Bad so I'm not in the dark when my guys talk about it.
  • So happy that Rich took Tucker shopping for jeans....he needed them badly and I just haven't felt up to it.
Thank you for:

  • Finally hearing when surgery is scheduled.  It really helps to know there's an end in sight for getting these stents out.
  • Sticking with "The Kite Runner" even though your initial reaction was not to read fiction about young boys.
  • Getting a nice voice mail from Andrea, who showed her concern regarding my surgeries and overall health
  • Getting a pretty decent response from Rich and Tucker about the puppy
  • Having Jill tell me that she has a puppy and will only charge $350
  • The offer from Rich to take Tucker to Mr. Paris' house for tutoring since I didn't feel good
  • Getting a phone call from my dad, who totally understood that I didn't feel well enough to chat
  • Keeping my composure and not telling Dianna off when she made a public post on Facebook insulting United Airlines 

Monday, November 26, 2012

November 26

Thank you for:

  • Pain meds that work quickly
  • Staying on task
  • Getting a very kind response from my director at the hospital
  • Being able to laugh with my husband while I was squeezing his arm
  • Costco pasta....seriously yummy
  • The freshman at East that didn't have to deal with so much grief because they didn't know Tyler
  • Being open minded to a Shitzu puppy
  • Getting a text from Nicole about her new baby boy

Sunday, November 11, 2012

So I passed NClex and it's time to start blogging again.  I'm sitting here, nursing what I think might be another kidney stone (shoot me now) and it's apparent that I should be counting my blessings again.  So here goes:

I got to sleep in on a rainy Sunday morning.
Max went with me to meet Magda, Chuck and Rich at Latteland.
Magda was lovely and it was nice to sit and chat with someone who's not a bitch.  (Like those other two Texas broads)
Chuck bought me a chai latte and walnut muffin.
They were delicious.
Rich offered to pick up Tucker from camping so all I had to do was drive Max to his car.
I didn't do much of anything today.
Took a little nap.