Friday, November 30, 2012

Thank you for:

  • killing the twins on Breaking Bad.  They were too stressful for me!
  • letting me walk all the way around Loose Park, even though I had to sit down by the duck pond because I was out of breath
  • giving me the courage to email four more Cerner contacts.  Surely one of them will respond!
  • being open to holding a dog.  It was scary but he was cute, that's for sure.
  • going ahead and getting a sandwich for Rich.  I was a little apprehensive about spending the money but I knew he was in a really bad mood and that it would make him happy to have a sandwich waiting for him when he got home from the club.
  • finally laying Tyler to rest.  Maybe now the school can return to normalcy; the kids need it.
  • having heart to hearts with Max.  I sure hate to see him so down but I want to make sure he knows he's loved very much and I want him to be happy.
  • "plumbing" that works like normal1

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