Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thank you for:

  • Finally hearing when surgery is scheduled.  It really helps to know there's an end in sight for getting these stents out.
  • Sticking with "The Kite Runner" even though your initial reaction was not to read fiction about young boys.
  • Getting a nice voice mail from Andrea, who showed her concern regarding my surgeries and overall health
  • Getting a pretty decent response from Rich and Tucker about the puppy
  • Having Jill tell me that she has a puppy and will only charge $350
  • The offer from Rich to take Tucker to Mr. Paris' house for tutoring since I didn't feel good
  • Getting a phone call from my dad, who totally understood that I didn't feel well enough to chat
  • Keeping my composure and not telling Dianna off when she made a public post on Facebook insulting United Airlines 

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