Saturday, March 19, 2011

Today is Poultry Day!

And I love me some fried chicken! (Betcha didn't know that I'm black, did ya?)

Today's happy things:

My Easy Bake Oven! It took about three hours for that little light to bake that 3 inch cake but I didn't care. It was my little cake and I MADE it!! I'm sure my mom sold it in a garage sale or something because as a mom, those ovens are a colossal pain in the ass. But for a little girl who loves to bake, it was heaven.

My Kansas City Chiefs, who I have loved for decades. (Jeez, that sounds like a long time). I dated some of them, I partied with others. I've had free tickets. I've had season tickets. And my love for them is never fair weather. In fact, when I was based in Denver and my supervisor asked me if I wanted to be considered for Denver Broncos charters, I told him how loyal I was to my Chiefs. Rich and I planned our wedding around their schedule. Our groom's cake was a Chiefs helmet and our wedding reception video is set to Gary Glitter's Rock and Roll, Part Two. I guess it's safe to say I'm a die hard fan. They've definitely made me cry a time or two. But you will always find me cheering them on and hoping for a 1969 repeat.

My very favorite Broadway show is Rent (although I actually saw it in London) and my very favorite song is Seasons of Love. How could you not love a song that says" Five hundred, twenty five thousand six hundred minutes; how do you measure, measure a year? In daylight, in sunrise, in midnights, in cups of coffee"? ***Sigh****

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