Monday, March 21, 2011

Fragrance Day

Or, in other words, danger, danger: You are about to enter the girly-girl zone. I swear to you I'm not making up these holidays and Fragrance Day just seems tailor made for women. I wore Love's Baby Soft when I was a teenager then I switched to Halston, which I wore for years! I tried Beautiful for awhile and have now been stuck on Warm Vanilla Sugar from Bath and Body Works. I've heard Amazing Grace by Philosophy is nice so I'm wanting to try it.

Now on for the other girly-girl stuff. All my happy things are pret-ty girly today. Don't say you haven't been warned!

I love decorating magazines. I practically drool over the picture perfect houses. ****Sigh**** In my next life, I guess.

I adore little love notes. Most of mine consist of Post-Its. Rich has never been much of a writer but I swear he gives the most romantic, once in awhile, he writes me a little Post-It. I keep every single one.

The fountains in Kansas City make me happy. I sometimes feel like we live in Europe what with all the fountains. This is probably the prettiest one, although a bit showy. Doesn't matter though....they certainly make for a pretty hometown.

And, this is kind of a take on the decorating magazines. I'm a sucker for glass kitchen cupboards. Of course, mine wouldn't have all those beautiful white dishes. Mine would show my plastic Mizzou cups....hahaha.

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