Sunday, January 16, 2011

I'm A Player

When it comes to churches, I am the runaway bride. I'm not committing. That's why I'm so pleased with my plan for 2011. Five different options......nothing becomes too heavy. Rime Temple, Mercy Church, North Heartland, Village Presbyterian and the movies. (yes, the movies)

Every time you commit to a church, it gets to be too much. People breathing down your throat to join small groups or volunteer your time or give more money. It becomes something other than just my faith in God. It becomes a pain in the ass. I don't want someone holding me accountable for my faith. That's between me and God. Plus, I'm not evangelical....that's for sure. I could care less if people go to church. I only care about what I do.

I do think people are important. I just want the option of spending time with people IF I WANT TO. Not because I'm supposed to.

So far my little rotation of churches (and movies) is working just fine. And that's what's important.

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