Monday, January 17, 2011

FUNNY dream!

Had to write this one down.....Rich wants to analyze it. hahahaha

I dreamed I was living in a house with big picture windows. Max was getting ready for his 17th birthday party and evidently we had turned into money bags because Rich told me money was no object. Jim Gamble was in the party planning business and we decided to take 17 kids and Max to Phuket for his birthday. Dave Harris was going to provide the entertainment at the party and I was really worried about being on a tropical island with him.

After we had clarified the details of the party and Jim had left, I was trying to get ready to take a shower. Jim knocked on the door and I had to grab a big white sheet to put around me so he wouldn't see me naked. He said I needed to put an $800 deposit down for Dave. I was worried about the money and told him I needed to check with Rich to see which account I should write the check out of.

I went upstairs and it was a huge dress shop with lots of ethnic women shopping: Asians and black women. Rich (who bore no resemblance to my Rich) was in the back on stilts as a publicity stunt for the store. I told him to come down off the stilts so I could talk to him and he had to undo some duct tape which was holding him on the stilts. He reiterated that money was no issue and to cut the check to Jim.

(I then briefly woke up when Rich left for work so I deliberately tried to hold on to the dream. That normally doesn't work but this time it did!)

Then Debbie showed up in a Lincoln Navigator (or some big SUV like that) to pick Rich and I up. Ted was in the very back and Marsha Frear was in the middle. Rich climbed in next to Marsha and I sat in the passenger seat next to Debbie. Debbie was REALLY mad at Ted and every time he said something, she said "Shut Up! I HATE YOU!" It was hilarious. She then went on to say she had been throwing up all night long, she was really dehydrated and she didn't have any water. Then she stopped at a Dairy Queen to get herself a blizzard. She was eating the ice cream so fast that ice cream was flying off the spoon and onto the windshield where it made a big, blurry mess. Also there were tons of people in the street (like a street carnival or something) and Debbie hit some lady....not hard but the lady was like "WTF?" Marsha kept laughing and Rich was asleep. I kept trying to hit Rich's leg but I couldn't reach it. I wanted him to wake up so he could hear how badly she was treating Ted. Debbie then told me that she kept passing out every 8 seconds. I was so concerned about her driving that I offered to drive and she wouldn't let me. Marsha then remembered that Debbie had said that she didn't have any water and that REALLY cracked her up. The fact that Marsha was laughing at her pissed Debbie off even further and she made a sharp 90 degree turn into a gas station to pick up water.

It was such a funny dream that I'm surprised I didn't laugh out loud!

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