Saturday, January 1, 2011

"An abrasive person can come at you in the worst possible way with a valid point. Accept that you don’t deserve the excessive emotions in someone’s tone, but weigh their ideas with a willingness to learn. Some of the most useful lessons I’ve learned came from people I wished weren’t right. "

I don't deserve to be called a dumb shit...I don't. I'm one of the smartest chicks around. BUT, perhaps Rich has a point, even if he went about saying it the wrong way. If people don't understand my humor, I run the risk of ostracizing them. I always give the kids the same words of wisdom...."don't post anything on Facebook that you wouldn't stand up and say on a stage in front of all your FB friends". I personally don't think anyone should be offended that I joke about Texas but if they are, I always feel bad when I've hurt someone's feelings. I went back in to FB and added a subtitle so as not to offend. I also untagged Rich in all the photos.

I still have to process why Rich is getting so mad about stuff. Perhaps he is stressed about not getting enough business. Or perhaps he just hates me. That's what I mean when I say I need to process.

I hate feeling like crap. I hate being called names. My humor is NOT at the expense of others; I'm funny - period. Amen. Rich pokes fun at people who love Jesus, he uses the word "nigger".....WTF. When he reads this, I'm afraid he'll just get mad again but I need a place to type it out so I can understand my feelings. I think I'll quit joking with him for awhile. He doesn't like to be teased; he doesn't appreciate my tongue-in-cheek witticisms.

Having a yelling contest with your spouse is a sucky way to start the new year so I'm not going to think about it anymore. I'm going to concentrate on just me....and how I'm going to make 2011 one of my best years EVER. I would love to have Rich beside me for this ride but only Rich can decide to enjoy it with me. I can't make him do anything.

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