Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September Awesome

  • When little kids clearly dressed themselves and look hilarious (To be fair, little kids are hilarious all the time)
  • When you get the milk-to-cereal just right (although drinking that sweet milk at the bottom is perfection also)
  • Finding out your birthday is on a Friday or Saturday next year (When I was at United, our birthdays were considered a holiday....so you could either have double pay or the day off; either one was pretty fabulous)
  • The feeling of scrunching sand in your feet (Two words:  Seaside, FL)
  • Finding a mix tape given to you by an old boyfriend (This kind of makes me sad because no one has ever given me a mix tape)
  • The Five-Second Rule (used only for about a week after the cleaning ladies have been here.  After that, it gets a little dicey)
  • Successfully multitasking while on the phone (Now that I'm at Cerner, I've become brilliant at using the speaker phone.  Folding laundry, putting on makeup, unpacking; etc. - all while taking a conference call)
  • Taking your bra off after wearing it for hours (A man will never know this freedom)
  • Getting in a line just before it gets long (Doesn't matter where it is.  After standing in line and then turning to look to see bazillions of people behind you, it's so nice to think "At least I'm ahead of all you suckers!")
  • The smell and sound of a campfire (This is only a valid awesome when in the actual vicinity of a campfire.  Afterwards, when the smell is in your clothes - no bueno!)
  • The Parking Lot Pull Through (So much easier than having to back out of the space!)
  • Laugh lines on people's faces (All of my lines on my face are either from smiling too much or laughing too much....both of which I'm proud to have)
  • Seeing a helium balloon way up in the sky somewhere (I beg to differ!  This is possibly one of the saddest sights ever.  I think it stems from how much trouble I got in when Charlie lost his balloon and I got blamed for it)
  • When someone lands on the hotel you just built in Monopoly (To be fair, I get excited when someone lands on property.  Any time you're playing with Rich, you don't usually get to the point of having hotels.  He's very competitive at Monopoly)
  • A good floss after a tough steak (This is 100% true but I am a fiend when it comes to flossing.  Love that feeling!)
  • Paying for something with exact change (I rarely use cash but yes, I can see the validity of this)
  • High fiving babies (or any other face to face time with babies, in my opinion!)
  • Talking about how much the meal you're eating at home would cost at a restaurant (I'm fairly certain no restaurant would serve the same food I serve at home but it does feel good when you figure out the cost per person of said meal)
  • Finding food in nature and eating it (I more prefer finding food at Panera and eating it but whatever)
  • Peeing in a lake (keeps the fish away, that's for sure)
  • The sound of a solid crack from a good break in billiards (I don't really shoot pool but I'll take your word for it)
  • Bowling celebrations (Cuz a strike isn't nearly as fun unless you can cheer for yourself and make everyone give you high fives!)
  • Pulling a weed and getting all the roots with it (This is probably my favorite on this list.  I used to tell my mom that I would do the weeding at the lake for this reason alone)
  • When the only other person going up in the elevator is going to the same floor as you (Better than this is having no one in the elevator with you)
  • Taking a deep breath of fresh air in the middle of nowhere (or on a slope all by yourself with fresh powder at Beaver Creek)

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