Friday, January 9, 2015


This is Your Year

It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you have nothing on your agenda for four weeks.  Christmas break has given me a chance to relish in my own thoughts, read a couple of motivating books and evaluate my life–Where I was this last year, and where I would love to see myself headed in the next.
I have realized the importance of “self”: self care, self love, self worth, self knowledge.  I’m not sure where we got the wild idea that we should fill our schedules up so much that we don’t leave time just to be.  And that when we do find a spare moment to ourselves, we feel guilty about it because we should be doing something for others.  I’m going to let you in on a little secret: Self care is essential and necessary for an abundant life.  Do not feel guilty about it.  Be good to yourself, not just others.Have you ever tried to give to others when you have nothing left to give?  You must refill your cup so that you may overflow into others.
This last semester, I neglected to do that and I got pretty burnt out.  I was draining myself day in and day out trying to keep up with all of life’s demands.  Being a three year accounting major, an RA, a mentor, a friend, a sister, a daughter, a club member, a church goer, a school event attendee, and a perfectionist left me feeling empty by the time December came around.  I never gave myself time to reflect on my own wants and desires, and most importantly, I was finding that my days were slipping away before I sat back to bask in the presence of the Lord and thank Him for the good days and the things He was teaching me on the hard days.  I was more concerned with filling everyone else’s demands, than with surrendering my days before my Father and asking Him for the wisdom on how to most efficiently use my time that day.
I’ve been reading some books over break about simplifying life, being content, and maintaining a full cup.  As a result, I have a few things that I want to set in front of myself & anyone else– simple focuses that I believe will lead to a happy and content life.
  1. Journal Everyday. It can be funny, it can be stupid, it can be heart wrenching.  It doesn’t matter.  Just write.  There’s something powerful in the release of emotions through writing.
  2. Love yourself. Inside and Out. Learn to be comfortable in your skin, and love every inch of it.  Loving yourself is actually a beautiful thing.
  3. Take Criticism.  Don’t get bent out of shape when people give you advice and voice their opinions.  Especially your mom.  Chances are, they only have your best interest in mind.
  4. Speak sweet words. Some days it’s going to be hard to do this– do it anyways.  A sweet word can change a person’s day; you know this because you’ve experienced it yourself.  Oh, and smile. Angry faces are intimidating.
  5. Be content. Don’t compare, don’t complain. You’re exactly where you’re meant to be in this moment.  Trust that the Lord is holding your hand and guiding you along the way.
  6. Be HERE.  I don’t think there is anything sweeter than truly being present in the moment.  Someone caught you in the hallway?  Give them 5 minutes to tell you how their day is going and don’t be wishing you could just get where you were headed.  Going to coffee with a friend?  Get off your phone.
  7. Be intentional.  Love on those that are in your life–they need it just as much as you do.  Go out of your way for them to show them that you are there for them, and you’re in their back corner cheering them on.
  8. Commit to being healthy.  Eat well (Proteins & Veggies daily) and exercise.  Don’t beat yourself up if you miss the gym all weekend.  Get back at it on Monday.  Your goal is to be healthy, not skinny.
  9. Give of your time and love.  See a homeless man standing on the corner? Go ask him about his story. A friend needs help with a project?  Give them your assistance.  A friend needs someone to listen?  Give them a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear. Give anything you have to offer, no one ever became poor from giving.
  10. Listen.  Sometimes just stop talking and listen: to nature, to the Lord, to your friends, to yourself. Truly listen.
  11. Stay Positive.  You’re going to want to throw some days in the bucket, but there is something good in every day and there is a silver lining to every situation.  Your attitude changes everything.  Will you choose to see mud or will you choose to see stars?
  12. Explore.  There is something so sweet in finding new places, or finding new things in old places.  Experience the fullness of life by taking in your surroundings.  Go on a hike. Venture to a close by town.  Take a road trip.  Get lost.  There is so much to see, just open your eyes.
  13. Put your words to actions.  You’re passionate about a certain social issue? You want to help a certain cause?  Great.  Now do something about it.  Go out and raise money for it.  Go tell the world about it.  Please do anything but just keep thinking about it.
  14. Throw perfectionism out the window. The Lord doesn’t want you to be perfect, He wants you to be faithful.  Seek to glorify Him in all that you do, and forget about pleasing everyone else.
  15. Be a fountain not a drain.  It’s cheesy, but so true.  Be someone that can fill a friend up on a tough day, not someone people dread being around because they only bring their problems to the table.
  16. Offer grace. You’re probably going to get your feelings hurt a time or two and that’s okay because you’ve hurt others too.  The Lord offers you grace and forgiveness everyday, so extend that to others as well.
This is your year.  Your year to stop saying and start doing.  Here’s to a year of living simply, loving easy, and being happy.

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