Saturday, March 26, 2011

Lots of Fun Things.....

So, today is some pretty fun stuff. Some stuff I would to love blow off studying for. See if you don't agree.

The Magic 8 Ball! Who doesn't love this? I bet I've asked that thing a bazillion times "Will I be rich?" and "Will he ask me out?" I would shake it and shake it until I got the answer I wanted. God, if only life could actually be like that....

Corona with a lime, please. That's another thing I've said about a bazillion times. Always a treat. And usually gets me in trouble.

I just threw this in for nostalgic reasons. My Grandma Hensley had this adorable miniature tea set in her curio cabinet and I LOVED it. While my cousins were being obnoxious and loud, I would get out that little tea set and play with it for hours. It was lovely. I mean, it had pink flowers on it, for crying out loud. Who wouldn't love that?! Plus, it was TINY! When my grandma died, guess who got the tea set? It's packed boys would not appreciate its value. But every time I pull it out, I still can't believe I own it.

The beach at Lake Michigan in Chicago. It's really a crappy little beach and usually cold and windy but it's definitely happenin'.....a place to see and be seen. Laurie, Stephanie and I spent some time there when we were in training at United.

And who doesn't love the cool side of the pillow?

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