Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December 8, 2010

Hardest friggin' class ever! Seriously. The teacher could've been speaking in Greek for all the sense it made. I took this class way back when and if memory serves, I got an F and then I took it again and got a D. Finally, it became my "diploma" class (meaning that I couldn't graduate until I passed it) so I struggled and eked out a C. So when I found out I had to have it as a prerequisite for nursing, I practically broke out in hives.

I have worked my ass of this semester and I'm going into the final with an A. Hopefully I won't bomb the final and will come out of the class with an A. It would be a serious Praise the Lord moment!

But here's my positive for the day: There's a gal in my class who is already a nurse. She's bright, you can tell. She is going for her master's and when she originally went through nursing school, Chem wasn't a pre-req. But since it is now, she has to take it. I was talking to her tonight and asking her what she thought the very hardest nursing class was. Everyone kept suggesting answers to her, mostly along the lines of Pathophysiology and Pharmacology. She agreed that those were very hard classes. Then she said....."But hands down, this is the hardest class I've ever taken". I was THRILLED to hear her say that. First of all, misery loves company. But most important, if she thinks this is the hardest class, then maybe I will be okay after all.

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