Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 7, 2010

I was thoroughly enthralled with a Hulu'd episode of The Sing Off. I had seen a small version that Leigh Garnett posted on her Facebook, which featured the Whiffenpoofs from Yale University. The lead singer was Brennan Caldwell....a young man who had previously been at Oakhill when we were there. He was, and is, extremely talented. Because I knew him, I sat and watched the entire episode on my computer. I then hooked Max into it and I watched it again with him when he got home. Better than American Idol!

But the coolest thing by far was that I KNEW this kid. His mom and I hit it off right away when I was on Parent's Guild with her. She was one of the most creative people I have ever known. She made designs for scrapbooker magazines and was published. She was an attorney by trade but that job didn't suit her. She was a Martha Stewart. Brennan, and his little brother, Austin were always around when we had meetings (as were Max and Tucker). JoLynn (Brennan's mom) gave my boys hand me downs. Brennan taught me the Green Room riddle (classic!)

Then came that fateful day when I was asked to serve on the Board of Directors for Oakhill. Unbeknownst to me, a plan had already been set in place to abolish the Middle School. Whether it was financial or just a clash of egos between the current president and the past president will always remain a mystery. I walked into a firestorm and didn't even realize it. I was so excited to be a part of the inner workings of Oakhill but it was during that very first month that I had to look my friends (JoLynn being one of them) in the eye and tell them that they would have to find another school for their children. It was unbelievably sad. Most people realized that I didn't have anything to do with the decision but I think that some of them felt I should resign my position as a way to show support for them. I didn't resign. And I lost friends because of that decision. JoLynn never spoke to me again. Until today.

I wrote her personal letters, I sent private inbox messages through Facebook, I emailed her....nothing. So, sadly, I gave up. But today after seeing Brennan's phenomenal performance, I thought it couldn't hurt to let her know I was impressed. So I did. It was short and to the point. I had given up on any friendship with her but that didn't mean that I couldn't be complimentary regarding her kids.

She responded to said message with a short message of her own....she thanked me for my kind words and said she appreciated the support. I would have been dancing on air but then it hit me. The final group in The Sing Off wins based on votes from the viewing public. ***Big sigh****

The positive in all this is:
Brennan is great,

we KNOW Brennan and have fond memories of the times we spent with him,

I gave it my all to resume my friendship with JoLynn and have no regrets that there were words left unsaid,

and here's the big one.....this is HER issue...not mine.

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