Friday, January 1, 2016

January Awesome

Well, the move is done and now it's just slowly digging out of boxes and organizing each room.  Much easier said than done.  For one, we had way more storage at 2103.  But challenge accepted.  I WILL master getting this stuff so that it's (a) livable space and (b) stage-able for resale.  I'm dreaming of a pretty house but I also am going to make the best of living here.  For one thing, we have awesome views.  I love that.

So, without further ado.....

  • Staring ahead at a brand new year - This was actually my Facebook post today with a picture of my brand new planner.  2016 is the year I get in shape and also the year that Rich and I get out of the house to explore Denver.
  • When you're really tired and about to fall asleep and someone throws a blanket on you - No one really does this for me but it sure makes me a loving mama when I do it for one of my kids.
  • When the person you're ordering pizza with likes the same toppings as you - Unfortunately, this is not Rich.  But the kids and I are carnivores so as long as I get meat (and can secretly score extra cheese), I'm good.
  • Sucking in your stomach just before the picture is taken - That's not really my method.  I strategically stand behind someone else so just my cute face shows.
  • When you meet up with a group of friends and they stop talking to celebrate your arrival - I would hope that ANYONE would do this for ANYONE joining their group.  It's extremely rude to not stop talking.  
  • Actually making the right amount of spaghetti - Ask Tucker if I do this.  He'll say no.  He says I make enough to last a month.  haha
  • Taking the price tag off in one clean peel - Nothing makes me grumpier than not being able to get a price tag off something new.  And stores that use that kind of cheap price tag ought to go out of business.  Nordstrom is really good about having the good kind of price tag.
  • The moment at a concert when the crowd figures out what song they're playing - And even better than that is when the band says goodbye but the crowd waits for an encore....and then here comes the band AGAIN.  Love that.
  • Wearing the shoes you just bought out of the store - I'll bet I haven't done that since I was little.  I remember a pair of red, white and blue suede shoes that I BEGGED my mom for.  In hindsight, they were hideous and my mom knew that but I loved them.  She let me wear them out of the store and I could not stop looking at my feet, admiring my new shoes.
  • When a stranger helps you push your car out of the snow - Or a stranger helps to jumpstart your car because you were stupid enough to leave your lights on and drain the battery.  Just sayin'.
  • Waking up to the smell of sizzling bacon - Because that means someone loves you enough to cook you breakfast.  
  • Looking in your fridge right after grocery shopping and trying to choose between all the new good things to eat - I especially like when I've purchased beverages other than water.
  • Emptying the recycling bin on your computer - I delete my "deleted" emails every week and it's one of my favorite OCD things I do.
  • Stepping into the shower when it's already at the perfect temperature - I always turn the shower on when I'm brushing my teeth so it has time to get good and warm.  Works like a charm.
  • Changing the channel during a commercial break and then flipping back just as the show's coming back on - I only flip back and forth between Bravo and E! so it usually works out fine
  • Rubbing someone's newly shaved head - This is a funny one.  I actually like rubbing Rich's chin when he has a 5 o'clock shadow so I guess the newly shaved head might be a thrill for someone else.
  • Sleeping with one leg on top of the covers and one leg under them - That's how I used to sleep when I was younger but then when I had to learn to sleep in the crew lounge, I slept completely covered up with my flight attendant coat.  To this day, I like sleeping with my legs covered because it helps me go to sleep by remembering how exhausted I was after flights.
  • Breakfast for dinner - I seriously thought my mom was the only person who did this.  Pancakes or French toast or scrambled eggs for dinner.  On Sundays, we ALWAYS had cereal for dinner.
  • When you sneeze and a stranger says bless you - I especially like it if the stranger says "God bless you". ;)
  • Shoving handfuls of popcorn in your mouth really fast and spilling it everywhere - I never eat popcorn like this (I like to savor it) but this describes Rich to a T.
  • The final seconds of untangling a really big knot - This is every time I try to wear one of my necklaces.  I need a really good jewelry box.
  • Your first normal meal after being sick - Actually I like the food that I eat when I'm sick.  All bland and easy to chew (oatmeal, grits, soup, pudding, cornmeal mush).  I'm going to make a really great old person.
  • Placing the last piece of puzzle - I could see how this would be awesome but I'm not focused enough to even attempt a jigsaw puzzle.
  • Getting the last piece of food - Especially if it's dessert.
  • When the light turns green just as you're approaching the intersection - Unless you need a red light to finish a text.  haha
  • Letting go of the gas pump at just the right moment - The person who wrote these has less money than I do evidently.  I just fill the tank.  When it stops, it stops.  But having a full tank of  gas is AWESOME!
It will be interesting to see how far I've gotten with the unpacking by the time I do this next month.  At this point, the kitchen is pretty much unpacked as well as the master bedroom and bath.  Most of the hall closet is done, too.  

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