Friday, October 2, 2015

October Awesome

This post couldn't have come at a better time for me.  I've been so blue lately....lots of job angst and obligations, feeling like I have no one to do anything fun with, and probably the most depressing....being away from my best friend.  Having no clear cut plan for our family to be together again is weighing heavily on my mood also.  So before I get even more depressed by typing it all out, maybe it will help to think about little things that are awesome.  Here goes:

  • Getting something with actual handwriting on it in the mail (I actually received a mailer from some real estate agent with his card attached to the Chiefs schedule but he hand addressed the envelopes....that's kind of impressive.  And in its own way, even though I didn't know him, it warmed my heart)
  • Walking into class and seeing a substitute teacher - Because you just know it's going to be a "blow off" day.
  • When the person you're meeting is even later than you are - You're sweating bullets all the way there, watching the clock, racing through traffic, and then they're not there.  They walk in, apologetic about being late, and you don't even have to admit that you were too.  You just get to be the gracious one, saying "Oh, it's fine."
  • Dropping your cell phone on the sidewalk and then realizing it's totally fine - No cracked screen.  Whew!
  • The last couple of hours before the weekend - I work for Cerner so I can't relate to this.  I never stop working.
  • Good mail days - Coupons, packages, invitations.  I need a day like this!!
  • Riding your bike really late at night when the streets are completely empty - I'm not sure I agree.  That sounds slightly terrifying.
  • The moment on your vacation when you forget what day of the week it is - I guess a beach vacation might be like that but when you travel with the Blanchard boys (especially Max), you better have the day scheduled.  We try to fit in as much as possible and while it's always a great vacation, it's not exactly relaxing.  
  • That person who helps you parallel park - I don't usually attempt parallel parking because I flat out flunked that section on my driver's test but yes, I get this.  Someone saying "Come on back.  You're good.  You still have a good foot left before you hit the car behind you."
  • Peeling that sticky glue off the back of your new credit card - I actually had that same kind of glue on my computer screen to hold my screen protector in place.  The other day, I finally had had enough of people complaining that they couldn't see my screen so I took it off.  The sticky glue remained.  So yesterday on the flight home, I peeled it off and it was oddly satisfying.
  • Seeing a license plate from your home state somewhere really, really far away - I actually think this will make me sad when I move to Colorado.  I hope not though.  And I could care less about seeing a MO or KS license plate if I'm someplace cool like California.
  • Jumping into a big pile of leaves - I think this may be more fun in theory.  And I can say that I don't think I've done it since I was a kid.  I'm fairly certain that whoever rakes up leaves now would probably also have sticks and branches in that pile.  Ouch.
  • Picking up something that turns out to be a lot lighter than you expected. - Still, to this day, I try to help people put their suitcases in the overhead bin when I'm on a flight.  (Old habits die hard) I'm thrilled when someone has a light suitcase.
  • That clicking sound of winding something up - Like an egg timer?  I don't really get why this is awesome.
  • Napping with somebody else - The BEST!  Curling up with my babies, getting to nap with Rich.....heaven.
  • That feeling in your stomach when you go really high on the swings - Same feeling that I got when my dad would drive fast over the hills going to Aunt Lena and Uncle Oran's.  It makes your stomach flip.
  • When you learn a new word and then suddenly start seeing it everywhere - This is a law or something.  Seriously.  I just told someone the other day that if you learn a new word, you'll start hearing it over and over.  Weird.
  • Smelling a neighbor's chimney when you're out walking around - Or better than that....someone's BBQ.  Mmm.
  • When your fries order has a few onion rings stashed in the mix - Mine is the opposite.  I usually order rings and am excited when I get a few fries with my order.
  • Stomping dry crunchy leaves on the sidewalk - Yes, I do think this is awesome and it actually inspires me to want to take a walk.
  • When your pet notices you're in a bad mood and comes to see you - I can't relate.
  • Finally peeing after holding it forever - I pee all the time due to the amount of water I ingest but yes, peeing is awesome.  Especially when you consider the alternative.
  • Listening to couples tell you how they met - This makes me wonder how my mom and dad met.  I seriously need to ask them.  I do know I love telling people how Rich and I met.
  • Tiny little kids dressed up for Halloween - Tiny little kids are awesome to begin with.  I feel sure that my calling is to do something with kids.  Maybe I need grandkids.  But dressed up for Halloween....the cute meter is on overload.
  • When you find out your new place has a really good shower - I think this should be an integral part of house shopping.  You can't buy the house until you've taken a shower there.
  • Taking a spin on a shopping cart - This is so Tucker.  He wants the cart at Costco so he can run and jump on it and ride it all the way to the lady that checks our receipts.  One of these days he's going to mow someone down but in the mean time, if it makes him happy, so be it.
  • Strategic trick or treating - Oh, man....I remember this.  You knew who gave the good candy so you went there first, then you plotted your route so you could hit as many houses as possible.  
Stay tuned for November awesome.

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