Sunday, January 13, 2013

All the reasons my new job is better than the last one:

  • I get to be around kids.  Sick kids, yes, but kids nevertheless.
  • The facility is colorful and bright unlike the drab grey/white halls of Research.
  • Everything is clean.  There are no humongous cockroaches laying in the hall like RMC
  • They use Cerner.  No more Meditech, which makes NO sense
  • Everyone smiles.  Of course, I haven't met my preceptors yet but I have no reason to believe that they will be as awful as, say, Pat Taylor or Melissa Moore.....two of the most hateful nurses in the industry, I think.
  • No more disgusting smelling rooms or placenta buckets
  • Parking is better:  you either park off site which allows you to ride a warm shuttle with great music and come in at the same time everyone else does or you get to park in the garage on the Yellow Submarine level.  No urine smells in the parking garage; no constant fear of being jumped
  • I'm not embarrassed to say where I work
  • No more coming around the corner by Sheryl's office only to have everyone at the nursing station either ignore you or stare at you
  • No more unprofessional doctors like Nagy
  • No more of those annoyingly huge phones to carry around with you
  • No more hunting down Sheryl to get my schedule.  In fact, I get to self schedule.
  • If you have to sit by yourself at break in the cafeteria, at least there is stuff to look at.
  • No more blocking of Facebook and the Internet
  • No more paper charts.....only electronic documentation.
  • We get to wear whatever kinds of scrubs we want and are even encouraged to wear kid friendly stuff
  • Magnet status.....impressive!
  • No more Dana, Andrea, and Eva who ended up not being my friends at all
  • No more feeling slighted by not having a consistent preceptor
  • I don't have to take ACLS, which is HARD and it's taught by that insufferable Lori Ricke
  • Enough computers to get charting done.  No more standing around either because there are not enough chairs.  You get to sit down at my new job.
  • No more broken equipment
  • Career ladders are spelled out and explained
  • We have care assistants!  Awesome.
  • Staffing ratios are not an issue, I don't think.
  • The Scope is way easier to use than whatever that thing that RMC used was
  • I don't have to worry about running into people I don't like
  • No more dirty utility room nightmares (no more need be said on this topic)
  • No more nurses with gold teeth, tattoos all over and skull caps
  • We can actually drink water at my new job instead of walking around dehydrated
  • I never have to see the inside of an OR again unless I want to....which I won't.
  • Beautiful views outside of the window
  • People have good feelings about their care unlike RMC
  • Room service for the patients....what they want, when they want it.  Excellent concept!
  • No more having my manager look right through me.
  • Having the proper resources to do my job to the best of my ability
  • My ID number is my lucky number
  • My hire date coincides with my hire date at United.  A numberology person would have a hey day with these two things.
  • No more 90 year old nurses with bursitis and bad attitudes. (Peggy, Carol, Bessie, Juanita, Christie, Phyllis, Pat, Kim)
  • No more lazy eye from you know who
  • No more Graduate Nurse Residency Program
  • No more fetal monitoring strips, Toco, Ultrasound of bellies, Pitocin (which turns normal people into angry monsters), Mag Sulfate, vaginal exams that I have no idea what I'm feeling for
I'll think of more and add them as I do but for now, I think it's apparent I'm in a better place.

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