Sunday, April 24, 2011

Perfect Life

Mary (my therapist....doesn't that sound so L.A.?) assigned me the task of journaling what I would envision as my perfect life so here goes....

This is in no particular order:

I would live in a beautiful, updated home. Everything would be incredibly organized and stay organized. A place for everything and everything in it's place. My current dream is to live in a really upscale 2-3 bedroom high rise apartment. Lots of space (at least 2000 square feet); lots of windows and natural light. Exposed brick. Stainless steel appliances. Granite counter tops. Jacuzzi tub.

The building, preferably in Denver's downtown area, would have a pool and rooftop terrace, a fitness facility, security, elevators and underground parking. No more scraping windows or going out into the cold to go work out.

Rich and I would have lots of couple friends to do things with. People would come visit us. We would ski on the weekends. Or take in a show. Or a sporting event. Or we would fly somewhere for the weekend. In other words, we would actually get off our duff and DO something, instead of sitting around on our computers. Conversely, some nights would be awesome to stay in, curled up on the couch, glass of wine, and Netflix. A perfect balance would be nice.

I would be an awesome mom. Listening, caring, never losing my temper. My boys would care what I thought and they'd want to follow my lead, instead of always arguing. They'd be successful in what they attempted and be happy in life. They'd also enjoy doing things with Rich and I.

I would be done with this horrendous nursing school. In an imaginary world, I would be back flying but since that's not feasible, I want a job that pays well, has loads of time off and is interesting and fun while there. I can think of lots of jobs that would be fun....working in a hotel, organizing events....but they don't get check marks for all three of my criteria, unfortunately. Mainly, they just wouldn't pay well. I'm hoping and praying I can turn this nursing gig into something that will satisfy me. If I can get into blood and guts with a group of fun-loving coworkers, get paid well, work two weekend days as a full time schedule...well, that would suffice. Traveling nursing is still a possibility. BUT if Rich and I were able financially to get away once or twice a month, that would satisfy my need for travel.

I would lose all the weight, I would be in excellent shape, I would take good care of myself. I would go to an awesome church and I'd have someone to join me.

I'd still have some quality alone time....garage sales, mani/pedis, reading a good book, baking. BUT, it would be balanced with some good girlfriend time.

That's pretty much it, in a nutshell. My idea of a perfect life. Now, I think the task is looking at this realistically and seeing what is within my control.

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