Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Lost Post

Today is Fat Tuesday....tomorrow is Lent. For the last couple of years, I've simply blown off this particular season. Partially because I didn't want to deal with Rich's scorn and partially because I was just too slovenly to give anything up.

But now that I've gone to a real church....Village Presbyterian...a couple of times and I have such a contented feeling afterwards, I think it's time to get back to some spiritual practices. Lent. And the giving up of something. I reached into the pocket of my sweater this morning and there was a Butterfinger. I considered it a sign. Soooooo.....I enjoyed it and tomorrow - NO MORE CANDY. At least until Easter.

In addition, the minister mentioned that during Lent you don't have to give something up. You can add something of value instead. So, in the spirit of making up for lost time, I will do both. Give up and add. Give up candy. Add working out daily. This will be tough but I know I can do it. With the help of my Friend, I'll get there. Sorry for all the lost time, my Friend. I'm back in your court.

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