Sunday, December 5, 2010

December 5, 2010

Haven't been very good at keeping up with this blog but I have several reasons to do so from here on out:

1. I am going off my Niacin and changing from Lipitor (outrageously expensive!) to Zocor (cheap, cheap, cheap) and I need to find a way to keep my stress level down. All of this is a good thing as I would sincerely like to be medicine free so I am also going to get on a diligent schedule of working out and eating sensible nutritious meals.

2. If I am starting this whirlwind of a nursing school ride, I need to stay focused on the positive. If I don't watch out, I will get overtired, under nourished, stressed to the max. It is imperative that I have a time during the day that I decompress. Going over the positives of the day will surely bring more positive to my life.

3. If I am about to enter this next phase of my life (that dreaded "M" word again!), I want to keep as much on an even keel as possible. From what I've heard, the hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia and mood swings can be frustrating. Because I'm not clinically diagnosed as menopausal yet, I think I have the chance to really positively think myself through this without falling prey to those nasty symptoms. But that will take enough sleep, good nutrition, good study habits, not losing my cool, getting enough exercise and thinking positive.

Even though I haven't started listing the positives of today, reading what I just wrote makes me grateful for having the ability to change things around in my head.

So here goes for today:

1. I got a really good night's sleep last night.

2. Rich made me coffee, even though he himself went out to get a latte. I am blessed with an adoring husband.

3. I made it through the review of Unit 2 for my Chemistry final and remarkably recalled a lot of what I have learned, even though it's been a couple of months since we did that unit.

4. Rich fixed the toilet! Yay! And on Friday, he fixed the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet! Yay!

5. I bought the most awesome cinnamon scented pine cones and put them in a basket on the dining room table so every time I pass through there, I take a deep breath. So yummy smelling.

6. I'm trying to make peace with the fact that my Christmas tree has no lights. I've just decided that if we don't get them fixed, I will buy another tree after Christmas when they are on sale. Having no lights can really put me in a tail spin because I love them so much so I am really trying to deep breathe myself through this one.

And, last but not least, I am so happy that I have made the plans to turn my life into a healthy positive one!

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