Thursday, November 4, 2010

Trying to Stay Positive

I can't seem to shake this feeling of gloom so I decided to just list my worries. As I listed them, I wrote to the side of each one my plan of action.....or, in other words, what exactly do I have control over.

Here in no particular order are my current worries:

My health - The positive TB results scare me and what makes it worse is that I can't get in touch with the nurse.

Plan: Be patient; when you do talk to her, she'll tell you what to do. Just follow through on what is asked of you.

My grade - I'm feeling very apprehensive about how I did on yesterday's test.

Plan: This is a very hard class. Worst case scenario is that you get a B, which in the scheme of things, you should still be very proud of.

Brigitte Hofmeister - She has now called me and asked me to call her to "clear the air" but only given me a few time frames when she is available. I'm concerned that I'll either get tongue-tied or I'll say the wrong thing or even worse, she'll say I said things I didn't say.

Plan: She is small potatoes. Follow your instincts and keep everything in writing. Because she chose to involve the school principal, this is not the kind of person that can be trusted.

Ted and Debbie - It upsets me that Ted can't talk directly to me and instead calls Rich when he has an issue with me. Why does Rich need to be the middle man? It just causes Rich and I to be tense with each other!

Plan: Who cares if they're offended? It was just simple trash talk about sports teams. Everybody does it! And if Ted has an issue with it and wants to take it up with poor Rich (who has nothing to do with it) then it's up to Rich whether or not he wants to listen to him. Ted has my phone number and if he chooses not to use it, that's his prerogative.

Matt Skeens - I've been so blue...crying every time I think about poor David and Melissa and Rachael.

Plan: He's in a better place. Move on.

Facebook - I am so frustrated with the smaller font!

Plan: Use your glasses or cure your addiction to Facebook. Either way, it'll work.

My weight - Lack of self control and it depresses me.

Plan: Get right back on the diet wagon when you fall off.

My lack of motivation -

Plan: Just do something....put one foot in front of the other. If you don't get something done in your self imposed time frame, who will it hurt? No one, that's who.

Tucker - This is a big one. Not sure ever how to handle things with him. We can be doing alright and then it all falls apart again.

Plan: Keep calm and carry on.

Max - I'm worried that he sometimes loses his focus. I like Kailey but I do not want to see a girl keep him from realizing his potential.

Plan: Keep communication lines open with him. You have always been lucky enough to have him open up to you.

Rich - He gets too frustrated with things. Bank of America, his processor, his lack of will power to stop drinking, his anxiety about money, his crusade against "Jesus lovers".

Plan: He battles a lot of demons; it's my job to realize that. Like Tucker, I need to stay calm and carry on. Talk him off the ledge when he needs it.

Lisa: when feeling overwhelmed, or sad, or unmotivated, go back to this post and only read the bold.

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