Thursday, August 12, 2010

I got the letter today from Research. My hands, shockingly, were shaking when I opened it. I scanned it quickly for those words "pleased to inform you"....but I couldn't find them. Instead, I learned that I am NUMBER NINE on the waiting list. I knew it was a long shot, especially since I didn't meet the criteria for interviewing but I am pleased, knowing that I wasn't exactly turned down. Instead, I've been thrown somewhat of a monkey wrench. Do I continue on the same path, paying for prerequisites that only Research requires, and gamble on having nine candidates drop out? Or do I find a different program? What to do? What to do?

I do think there's some numerology significance to the fact that I'm #9. Beatles No. 9 is one of the most annoying songs ever recorded. Maybe because I have griped about it, I have attracted that #9 vibe. I was born on the 9th. My brother was born on the 9th. Hmmmm.....something to think about. If nine people drop out, I would be IN the program. That is still something to be proud of.

HCA Midwest Hospitals are offering a tuition forgiveness program if Research graduates sign on with them for 2 years after graduation. I thought that sounded like a terrific plan until I read this article: Made me re-think working for them. Maybe the #9 is the greatest gift Research could have given me.

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