Monday, June 1, 2015

Start Each Day With A Grateful Heart

Three things I'm grateful for:

1.  Most days, Rich brings me a coffee.....a grande hazelnut latte to be exact.  (skinny, if we're being exact exact...)  It is a lovely way to wake up.  Do I love the caffeine?  Sure.  Does it taste delicious?  Yes, nectar of the Gods.  But more than anything, it feels so loving.  If I were single, I would be getting my own coffee.  But here is this man, who I hold to almost impossible standards most of the time, trying to do something nice for me.  And it's wonderful.

2. I'm grateful for a son who will spend time chatting with me on the phone like I'm his friend.  I don't have to "pull teeth" to get him to tell me about his day because he likes to tell me what he's been up to.  And he knows and appreciates what kind of stories I like to hear....people based, relationship-py kind of stories.  And that makes this mama's heart sing.  He's a child after my own heart and our bond is tight.  Why?  Because we've always done it that way.  

3.  I'm grateful for a son who comes to the door of my bedroom many times during the day to give me a snippet of news or something that he thinks will interest me or just to make me laugh.  This is the son that, upon hearing my footsteps in the kitchen, immediately joins me there and even though I tease him about how it's always his "lunch time" when I'm in the kitchen, it makes me extremely happy that he wants to be in the same room as his mama.